Engineering solutions for business and public

QEESH policy



To perform design, installation and construction works and provide services in a high-quality and timely manner, to meet and exceed consumer expectations, to achieve a level of quality that meets international requirements.


Strategic tasks, directions of activity:

- to continuously improve the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the LST EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard;

- identify and forecast consumer needs;

- to improve construction process technologies and implement technical innovations;

- systematically improve the qualifications of employees at all levels;

- to ensure that each employee is responsible for the quality of his or her work in accordance with his or her duties and competence.


The management of the organization is committed:

- to provide conditions for high-quality and efficient work of employees, ensuring social guarantees and a benevolent atmosphere of mutual understanding;

- recognizing the merits of employees, their creative initiative and encouraging them to achieve higher results;

- to provide conditions for the implementation of ideas and proposals, assessing their practical benefits;

- pay special attention to the selection and retraining of staff;

- pay a salary based on the results of work;

- review the quality policy annually to ensure that it remains relevant.


Provisions for ensuring the environmental management system:

- to continuously improve the environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of the LST EN ISO 14001: 2005 standard;

- ensure cleanliness and order in the workplace;

- allocate the necessary funds for the implementation of environmental protection objectives;

- save natural and energy resources;

- apply prevention of air, water and environmental pollution;

- to ensure the protection of the environment in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.


Provisions for ensuring an occupational safety and health management system:

- to continuously improve the occupational safety and health management system and efficiency in accordance with the requirements of the LST 45001: 2018 standard;

- ensure safe conditions for workers in the workplace;

- allocate the necessary funds for the implementation of the objectives of occupational safety and health;

- to ensure regular assessment of occupational risks and to apply prevention to the reduction of accidents and illnesses at work;

- to ensure the safety and health of employees in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

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